About Me

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Jackson, Tennessee, United States
On May 24, 2015 after much haranguing on what to do about the way I looked, the way I felt, I decided to follow a coach, Lindsey Bailey, at Beach Body. She advised me to start with a program called 21 Day Fix. When I started the program, I could not do the routines without sitting down in between them to rest. Now I am 50 lbs. lighter and I have progressed to more difficult programs. I have done Hammer and Chisel, 22 Minute Hard Core, and Body Beast. Some of them I really enjoyed and some not so much, but I did them. I feel 100% better than ever and so much stronger. Along with the exercise programs, I had to learn to eat healthy. I had been addicted to junk food. It was not unusual for me to have potato chips and ice cream for supper. Yes, it is true!! Shakeology from Beach Body helped me with my cravings. I rarely crave those unhealthy foods. I love eating clean! This is NOT A DIET, this is a lifestyle. I didn't feel deprived of any food. It was a big change for sure. But it is so worth it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bentley Protects His Mama

Sometimes I take Bentley to my job at the church.  I keep a ball in my desk and he loves to play the "fetch game" with the ball.  I think he would play it all day.  I throw the ball up in the air so that it bounces really high when it comes down.  He loves to jump up into the air to catch it.  He has not perfected this yet.  I had to run an errand and then come back to the building.  James, Tony, and Jeanette were putting timers on the light switches.  Bentley is not use to anyone being in his "home away from home."  He let Jeanette pet him, but he wouldn't do anything but bark and growl at James and Tony.  He is such a good little guard dog.  I love him dearly. Here is a video of Bentley playing ball. Notice he doesn't actually bring the ball back and drop it. He wants you to try to take it away from him.That is my son, Alex, in the video.

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